Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Am the Bargain Hunter of the Century!


I told Dave I am going to turn into one of those women that will only buy things on sale - and it started yesterday. I went to the Burlington Mall specifically to look at refrigerators at Sears. I struck out big time there - the unhelpful salesman showed me 2 options - one for $3000+ and another for about $2500 and said those were the only models that would work for me. I think you're lying to me, dude. Scram.

I decided to head over to Pottery Barn to look at lighting. And then I stumbled upon this little beauty:

This is the "Hyde" table by Pottery Barn. It originally retailed for $700. I got it for the amazing price of $384.97. It was considered damaged because it was a floor model. I tell you in absolute confidence that there is nothing wrong with this table. Pottery Barn's loss, my gain.

Dave and I had been hunting for a farm table, and I was getting a little resistance from him. I wanted an antique one, but Dave thinks that I only like things that look like they have been beaten to hell for the last 50 or so years. This may be true, but only half true. Why buy an antique in perfect condition? I like things well-loved. Anyway, he was super stoked on the table. Now I just have to figure out how to get it to the house . . .

It will look so good with our Tolix chairs!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Who's In There?

Forty weeks is a long time to wait!

Dave and I decided to not find out the gender of our baby - in fact, that was a decision we made long before I was ever pregnant. My mom didn't find out what my brothers and I were going to be, so in the name of tradition I didn't want to know either. It's been really fun to guess who this little baby is.

Initially I think we all thought that it was a girl - that is all we could ever imagine having. Then we switched to thinking it was a boy, and now I am back to thinking it is a girl. We don't care one way or the other if it is a boy or a girl, as long as Baby Wall is happy and healthy.

In case you haven't noticed I really like buying things for Baby Wall on Etsy. Not knowing the gender of our baby has made it very hard for me to buy clothing. Vintage baby clothing can be super cute - especially for girls. Older boys clothing seems to be primarily made of polyester, and include vests and ties. Not really my cup of tea (unless it include anchors or sailboats in some way).

If we end up having a girl, you can be sure you will see at least one of these on her:

And these are adorable and will work either way . . .

Seriously, that denim vest KILLS me. It will look so good with the baby checkered Vans that our friends Brittain and Finkle gave us!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Recent Acquisitions

I was starting to feel a bit of panic because we didn't have a stroller or car seat for Baby Wall. When my mom came to visit 2 weekends ago we made this one of our missions. We went to Isis in the Prudential Mall and they gave us a small crash course in strollers. Initially I thought I wanted a 3-wheeled one, perhaps the B.O.B. - I was quickly redirected. We ended up with this bad boy below. It's easy to function, has a bassinet which can also be used for travel, and lots of attachments once the Davis-Wall family grows. I won't lie - strollers are really expensive, and this one seems to be no exception. We will just have to get lots of use out of it with Baby Wall #1, and all Baby Walls to come.What parent doesn't love a Bumbo? We are stoked on the color.
We didn't have a globe before I bought this awesome one on Etsy. I tried to go for half practicality and half aesthetics. I love how it looks so mid-century, but it is definitely showing its age. It still has the USSR on it. Dave kept asking my mom to find countries on it that had yet to be established . . . Also, Massachusetts is about the size of a pinhead, so we might have to get a big state map or atlas down the line.
My co-worker, Shailah, and I have been discussing a mutual love of old school charts recently. A while back I had been pining over one of birds, but it sold before I had a chance to get it. This one was still available so I scooped it up. Baby Wall has a woodland theme going on, so this will fit in perfectly. It's in amazing condition, still has the original metal bar at the top, and is from the 1960's. I'm a big fan of the raccoon down there in the bottom corner.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Almost There

Baby Wall is almost here! I am at about 38 weeks, getting bigger by the day, and my feet and hands are more swollen by the hour. We are getting prepared for everything to come. We finally bought a stroller and car seat (thanks Mom & Dad!), the hardwood floors are being installed in our new house this week (which means we can move in by the end of the week!), all baby classes have been taken, and I am meeting with a pediatrician on Wednesday.

If you asked me about a month ago if this was all going to work out, I would have most likely said no. It has been hard for us to find the time to do anything. Between lots of Dr's appointments, trying to figure out what is going on at the new house, and both Dave and I working full time - it doesn't leave time for anything else. We have been running around like crazy people. Most days conclude with one, or both of us, falling asleep on the sofa.

Yesterday was my last day of work for a while, so it feels good to know that I can focus on essential things from here on out. You know, like the birth of my child. No biggie.

Here is how things are looking (although this was actually a few weeks ago, so I am definitely bigger now):

On a side note; do we think I could make this work as a baby bag? I mean, it's really cute - but I'm not sure how organized it will keep me. You really can't go wrong with a stripe though.Also - I really want to get these for Baby Wall. The fox is named Liam and the raccoon is named Reginald. They can both be found on Etsy, made by Sleepy King. Adorable!
More to come soon!