I was starting to feel a bit of panic because we didn't have a stroller or car seat for Baby Wall. When my mom came to visit 2 weekends ago we made this one of our missions. We went to
Isis in the Prudential Mall and they gave us a small crash course in strollers. Initially I thought I wanted a 3-wheeled one, perhaps the B.O.B. - I was quickly redirected. We ended up with this bad boy below. It's easy to function, has a bassinet which can also be used for travel, and lots of attachments once the Davis-Wall family grows. I won't lie - strollers are really expensive, and this one seems to be no exception. We will just have to get lots of use out of it with Baby Wall #1, and all Baby Walls to come.

What parent doesn't love a Bumbo? We are stoked on the color.

We didn't have a globe before I bought this awesome one on Etsy. I tried to go for half practicality and half aesthetics. I love how it looks so mid-century, but it is definitely showing its age. It still has the USSR on it. Dave kept asking my mom to find countries on it that had yet to be established . . . Also, Massachusetts is about the size of a pinhead, so we might have to get a big state map or atlas down the line.

My co-worker, Shailah, and I have been discussing a mutual love of old school charts recently. A while back I had been pining over one of birds, but it sold before I had a chance to get it. This one was still available so I scooped it up. Baby Wall has a woodland theme going on, so this will fit in perfectly. It's in amazing condition, still has the original metal bar at the top, and is from the 1960's. I'm a big fan of the raccoon down there in the bottom corner.
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