Wednesday, November 4, 2009

6 am Tree Trimming

Well, I woke up at 4:45 this morning so that I could get to work by 6:00am for tree trimming. I wish I had actually done tree trimming, but it was more like unpacking boxes and boxes of glittery ornaments all morning. I didn't mind doing this, but it makes it awfully difficult to want to come home and unpack boxes and clean when that is what I have been doing all day.

On a side note: Starbucks needs to open earlier. 6:00am does not cut it.

These little guys are my personal favorites for this holiday season:


  1. LOVE LOVE those decorations!!! If it makes you feel any better, I was awake at 4:11 with a screaming baby & a headache that wouldnt quit!

  2. Aren't they adorable? The jellyfish is so funny!

    Well, you win the "early to rise" award - I just have a cry baby of a cat.
